Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Completion of Eye Therapy

Today ISH was cleared from eye therapy.  February 26, 2010 began this journey of admitting that something wasn't right with his eyes which lead to September 2011 and the start of full-on 1 hour and 20 minutes at home eye exercises 4-5 days a week with 1-2 days in office therapy with Dr. Damon White

There are times none of us wanted to be doing this and times when it seemed like it was never going to end, but today ISH was cleared from therapy.  He has depth perception and his eyes can focus together.  One eye is no longer working while the other rests- they are working together now!

You should have seem the happy dance ISH did when he heard the news (and yes, there were happy dances from mom and dad too). 

As I commented back in April, I'm thankful that while the time and money haven't been fun to spend this way, it hasn't been a burden.  I'm thankful that my mom and MIL kept the therapy going this summer when they had the boys even though summer would have been way more fun without trying to fit the exercises in.  Not to mention the trips down the turnpike this summer just so mom could bring ISH back for his appointments (what a trooper!) And I'm thankful for an understanding little boy who could see the big picture in this- who was willing to do the work and understood that this, while not fun, had life long value.  May he continue to see the value in hard work that is not immediately rewarded.

And I am thankful that, barring changes to his vision that none of us can predict or yet anticipate, he is done!!!!


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