Saturday, December 15, 2012

Trying to Do Better

While it seems the majority of everyone else I know cataloged 30 ways they're thankful in November, I've been silent here since late October.  But here's to trying to do better.  And one way I'm going to try and make that happen is to follow the Joy Dare. So here you go.  December 15.

I'm going to take liberty and go with golden.  Silence, which is golden.  The boys ran errands with LK today and I had time to myself.  Time to finish up a few things in silence.  I love my busy house, but every once in a while, moments of silence are truly golden.

I'm not someone who likes overly scented things so this is hard.  Hmm.. I suppose I'm thankful that when I went into Lowes today they were unscented and didn't have all the pine scented Christmas decorations right at the door.  This meant I didn't have to shop with a headache.  

Bent Low
My pride.  My haven't spoken to my uphill neighbors since late April when we had the falling out about them drilling a huge hole through our retaining wall to drain their rain water into our yard (yes, I'm still working to get over it).  But I promised ISH, who asked why we were upset with each other, that if given the chance I would bend my pride low and treat her with kindness.  We haven't seen each other really or been in a situation where I could follow through with that until this morning.  She was out speaking with another neighbor who in turn started talking to me, which put uphill neighbor and myself in conversation with one another.  We spoke, kindly and politely, and I didn't even mention the retaining wall. 


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