Sunday, March 4, 2012

Geo and his uniqueness

At this stage it involves things more along the lines of wearing clothes inside-out and/or backwards.  But I hope in times to come it involves him being willing to take the harder, better way, because he is confident in who he is.

And then today someone told Geo he should fix his shirt (which was both inside-out and backwards) because it was "very embarrassing" to her.  (Yes, it was an adult, yes it was in church, yes she should have known better, no I was not there, and no I would not have held my tongue if I was). 

But I'm thankful because that it opened the door to talk to Geo about how it's okay to not be like everyone else.  And it allowed us a chance to explain that different in a way that hurts others, is immoral, or is illegal is not okay but different in itself is.  And we were able to talk about how when our differences bother others it's a good chance to check ourselves and motives but that in the end we don't have to change who we are and what we do just because someone else is embarrassed. 

(And it gave the chance to discuss the difference between face-tattoo-stupid-different and clothes-backwards-different.  I'm sure this conversation will likely come back and bite me in someway when he's a teenager but blue-mohawk-different is still not face-tattoo-stupid-different -- one grows out the other doesn't). 

So I'm thankful for the hurtful words that woman never should have said to my sweet little one because I hope today planted a seed for Geo to see he doesn't have to follow the crowd.  And in the end, I pray that God can take the seed and mold Geo into a mighty man who is able to be unique in a way that serves Him and gives Him glory even if it make others uncomfortable.


Don said...


vivianjane said...

Oh man. More and more I hear how words are painful. I am so sorry.

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