Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Busy Week

It's been a busy week indeed.  And above all I'm most thankful that while I have been a bit tired here or there, overall I've felt really well which is exactly what I needed for such a busy last-full-week-of-school week.

Monday- LK.  I'm thankful for the many many ways he's involved as a parent.  He's a great father and very much a part of the boys' lives.  Tonight he spent lots of time (after a long and busy day at work) helping Geo study for his EOYI exams. A sweet little memory of them on the couch together studying vocabulary and types of writing.  I am thankful for him and the role he has in our family.

Tuesday- The hard times and God's power in using them.  I met for coffee with a girl today who's going through some hard times.  And while I haven't walked her exact road, she called on me because of the lesson I gave last fall on how God has lead me through difficult times.  I'm thankful that God has healed me from those times, made me stronger and given me boldness to testify about them.  I'm also thankful that this person was brave enough to call out when she needed help.  I believe God has orchestrated this relationship and I'm thankful that I can share my walk with her and thankful for God's willingness to teach me as I walk beside her through this journey.

Wednesday- Unpacking the Boxes class.  It's almost the end of our "Newcomer's" class.  It's a class we offer to church members and community members alike when the move into our community.  We give them suggestions of things to do and see in our town and we give them practical steps they can take as they work through the emotions moving to a new place brings.  But more than that, we also give them our prayers and our encouragement.  Each time I participate in this class I'm reminded how lovely it was for me when we first moved here and thankful for each of the women and their new beginnings in our community.

Thursday- First baby appointment.  Today was my first official doctors appointment.  I'm thankful for my doctor- she's so positive and bubbly.  I'm thankful to have found her and thankful to have her with me through this pregnancy.  I'm thankful all things are going well and progressing along even in their earliest of stages.  And I'm thankful that, while she does reserve the right to change her mind, based on past pregnancies and deliveries- she's given me the go ahead for Brazil!

Friday- A bit of time at home.  Well a bit of time at my parents' home that is (which will always still be home to me).  I'm thankful that LK and Dad were willing to drive 1/2 way to drop me off/pick me up so I could help mom with her Senior Tea on Saturday.  I'm thankful my parents live close enough that visits home (while not altogether that frequent) are easy to achieve when the time allows.  And thankful that I have a great relationship with my parents where going home for a visit is an enjoyable thing.

Saturday- Common ground.  I was blessed today by a conversation with a member at my parents' church who has adopted two children and has two biological mixed in as well.  We were able to talk birth moms, foster children, and adoption waiting lists.  It was such a re-validation of our desire to still adopt even though I am pregnant.  It re-solidified in me the passion, the reasons.  She understood what I mean when I say- we may never be chosen-- but we want them to know we're willing.  I'm thankful that she was running late to drop off the food which made our window of conversation possible.

Sunday- Giving to one another as we've had need.  I gave away many of my maternity clothes because I knew people who needed them.  I had been blessed to have many of mine given to me and so I wanted to share that with others.  I'm thankful that this time around the same kindness has been shown yet again.  And thankful for our Sunday night small group that looks to the interests of one another.


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