Thursday, May 24, 2012

Survival (Wednesday's Post That I Was Too Tired To Write Yesterday)

And really it's more than survival.  I'm thankful for thriving through it all.  Because if you have told me the first day of school all that would transpire this year, I probably wouldn't have believed you.  W

Well, maybe I would, I mean we'd already ridden some pretty rough rides up to August 18, 2011- but I don't know that I would have really gotten it had I been given a preview.

But here we are- the last day of school.  May 23, 2012.  And we not only survived the adventures of the last nine months- but we grew stronger threw them.  We learned how to grieve together and love others together.  We learned so much about ourselves and I learned so much about letting go (a lesson God keeps having to drive home to me "Have you got it now Kate?"). 

I'm thankful for the adventures of the 2011-12 school year- as hard as some of them were.  As gut-wrenching as some of them felt.  Because through them- we have become more of us.  All four of us together.  And LK and I too- closer as a couple.  Closer as a family.

I'm thankful for God being willing to turn this year into beautiful life lessons.


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