Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I met Amy this past fall after the ladies' class I taught. We had a brief conversation following the lesson about our foster care and her work as a nurse in the pediatric wing of a hospital. Nothing big or monumental- but then God doesn't always do that does He? This was just one of those quiet- "you'll need this later" moments He gave me. And this week- I needed it. We've been facing some tough decisions on our path of adoption this week. And it's been hard to know where we're stopping short on God. Where we're deciding that He might not be big enough. And where we're simply stopping with wisdom- knowing that which we cannot handle. And as all these questions swirled around, I thought of Amy and thought she might know. But our one conversation did not besties make- so I didn't run over and call her. But tonight- as we were walking into church. As I took the other door even though we were running late, I walked in right behind Amy! I'm thankful she took the time to listen to my questions. I'm thankful that she spoke blatant and honest truth about it all. And thankful that she said God is big enough. But that doesn't mean we have to go down this road. I'm thankful that she spoke soul-freeing truth over me that if we choose yes, that is God's plan for this. And if we choose no, that too is God's plan. I'm thankful that she let me cry in front of her, and thankful that she cried with me too. Thankful that she took the time to care. And thankful that she reminded me that some of the best stories have rather unexpected twists.


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