Monday, April 9, 2012


We went to our first LTC this weekend and unless you've experiences thousands of kids in one place presenting puppets, drama, art, chorus, poetry, Bible knowledge, and more- it's hard to explain.  Needless to say I walked around wide-eyed the whole weekend. It was a huge event.

But more than giving Geo the chance to work as a group on a project and hone his knowledge of Genesis, I'm thankful because I was able to talk with members from my church that I'd seen around, but never really fellowshipped with. 

I'm thankful for all the adults who told me how wonderful Geo is to work with.  It's nice to know he's not just a great kid at home.

And I'm thankful that we stayed the whole weekend.  Some people go home late Saturday night but we decided to stay and experience the whole weekend.  It wasn't a normal Easter Sunday service as it was very much absent of frilly dresses and bonnets- but instead perhaps the emphasis was placed where the Easter Sunday (every Sunday) emphasis should be- the communion of the body of Christ.  People who don't all know each other, but whom have gathered together because we have one in common- the blood of Christ and the saving power of his resurrection.


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